Fête de l'Assomption13.jpg

The procession and mass arranged by Notre Dame de Paris for the Fête de l'Assomption de la Vierge Marie (the Assumption of the Virgin Mary) on 15th August 2013. The procession (Procession Mariale) started at the Quai aux Fleurs on Ile de la Cité, just to the north of Notre Dame, then via Quai de la Corse and Bd du Palais, past the Sainte-Chapelle, over Pont Saint-Michel, eastwards along the quais to the south of the Seine, over Pont de la Tournelle on to Ile St Louis, then back to Notre Dame. Mass was then held at Notre Dame (Messe solonnelle de l'Assomption de la Vierge Marie). This was the second day of celebrations, following the river pilgrimage (the tenth) on the River Seine, the previous evening. Thursday 15th August 2013.
Copyright held by Andrew Lyndon-Skeggs