Musée des Arts Forains7.tif

The Festival du Merveilleux at the Musée des Arts Forains in the Pavillons de Bercy, in the12th Arrondissement of Paris at 53, Avenue des Terroirs de France. The Musée des Arts Forains is a spectacular and very unusual private museum created and owned by Jean-Paul Favand in the old wines stores of Paris, to house his huge collection of 19th and 20th century fairground objects and cabaret memorabilia. It is also a museum for events and spectacles. As Jean-Paul Favand remarks, "There were plenty of museums dedicated to war. There was no museum for laughter and merriment. I have created a dream world that is brought to life by those who visit." The Musée des Arts Forains is a timeless escape from the world of reality. A wonderland visit to a cabinet de curiosités. A Grand Meaulnes discovery of an enchanted domaine. Phantoms, Unicorns, musical instruments that play with no human hand. Fantastical gardens. Fairground manèges from the Belle Epoque. And all the more special since you can join the magical moment: ride the hundred year old fairground roundabouts, compete on the antique games. The visitors themselves become the actors in the scene. Saturday and Sunday 6th and 7th January 2018. Photograph by Andrew Lyndon-Skeggs of ANLS Photography
Andrew Lyndon-Skeggs
ANLS Photography, Andrew Lyndon-Skeggs, Arts, Avenue des Terroirs de France, Belle Epoque, Bercy, Cabaret, Cabinet de Curiosité, Domaine, Fairground, Favand, Festival du Merveilleux, Forains, Grand Meaulnes, January 2018, Jean-Paul Favand, Lyndon-Skeggs, Manège, Merveilleux, Musée des Arts Forains, Pavillons de Bercy, Roundabout, Spectacles, Unicorn