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Celebration of Emmanuel Macron's victory in the French Presidential election at the Louvre, Sunday 7th May 2017. The first round of the Presidential election took place on Sunday 23rd April 2017 with 11 candidates, not including the incumbent President, François Hollande, who opted not to stand on account of low popularity ratings. The favorite at the outset was the (Conservative) candidate for Les Républicains, François Fillon, but his popularity declined dramatically when the french newspaper Le Canard Enchainé revealed that he had been paying his (English) wife approximately €100,000 a year, for several years, from public funds, the so called 'Penelopegate' affair. Jean-Luc Mélenchon (La France Insoumise) performed remarkably well in the first round, ending fourth, with 19.58%, just behind Fillon, but Benoit Hamon, though selected in by the Parti Socialistin their primary, failed to impress, and the two winners of the first round were Emmanuel Macron with his new party En Marche(24.01%) and Marine le Penn for the Front National (21.3%). The second round voting took place on Sunday 7th May 2017 and the result was announced at 8.00 pm: Emmanuel Macron 66.1%; Marine le Penn 33.9%. Macron therefore becomes President at the age of 39, the youngest President of the Fifth Republic and the youngest ruler of France since Napoleon. The choice of the Louvre for the post election celebration was a novel choice, supposedly representing the historic past, heritage, and continuity, whilst also being the seat of power from the time of Henry IV up to Napoleon, with monarchic overtones. The ceremony took place in front of the Pyramid designed by Leoh Ming Pei, commissioned by François Mitterand in 1983. This was deemed to add a spiritual aspect to the event, with the intriguing additional factor of being the symbol of the Illuminati, the secret society that is said to have infiltrated governments to influence world affairs. After the election result had been announced, Mac
Andrew Lyndon-Skeggs
1983, 2017, 39, Benoit Hamon, Brigitte Macron, Election, Emmanuel Macron, En March, Fillon, François Fillon, François Hollande, French, Front National, Hamon, Hollande, Illuminati, Les Républicains, Louvre, Macron, Marine le Penn, Napoleon, Parti Socialiste, Pei, Penelopegate, Presidential, Second Round, Sunday 7th May, Trogneux, pyramid