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A ghost walk in the West End of London organised by Michael Eleftheriades, the Nikon Owner London Group coordinator, with commentary by journalist, author and part-time musician Adam, starting at Embankment and proceeding by Covent Garden, Drury Lane, Haymarket, and St James's Park, to the Red Lion, Parliament Street, with gas-lit alleyways, deserted Georgian streets, faded palaces, and the world's most haunted theatre.Tuesday 15th November 2016
Andrew Lyndon-Skeggs
15th November-2016, Abandoned, Adam, Alley, Alleyway, Creepy, Dangle, Dangling, Dark, Dead, Dead-line, Eleftheriades, End, Gas-lit, Ghost, Haunt, Haunted, History, Kiosk, Leaves, London, Michael Eleftheriades, Night, Nikon, Nikon Owner, Phantom, Public, Public-telephone, Reflection, Shadow, Spook, Spooky, Telephone-kiosk, Walk, West, West EndTelephone, red