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Joanne of Arc, The Return, a play created and performed by Les Temps d'arts Collectif, a Rouen based theatre group comprising Marie-Charlotte Dracon, Vanessa Amaral, David Aube, Silvère Joron, Jeanne Lechevalier, Gaelle Lemeunier, Alice Lestienne, Charlotte Ravinet, Taya Skorokhodova, Romain Tamisier, Valentin Tesson, Marion Vaitlingom, Lea Varin and Guillaume Yvon. Joanne of Arc the Return was being performed as part of the 11th season of Z'Estivals, the five week festival of street arts arranged by the city of Le Havre (Haute Normandie, France), involving a total of 300 artists. Joanne of Arc, The Return is a comedy in which Joan of Arc is re-born from the cinders to warn the local mayor, Obamo, of an imminent catastrophy; the end of the world. The performance took place beside the beach in Le Havre on two consecutive evenings. The first performance was cut short by a tempest! Saturday 27th July 2013.